Being Decisive

Being Decisive

We know the decisions we make today can often determine our destiny tomorrow and yet often we keep changing our mind.  The greatest secret to creation is to keep choosing the same thing over and over again.  Once is not enough.  Do it over and over until your will is made manifest in your reality.  This could take years months weeks days or be instantaneous.  You can tell when you are on track when you see the gap closing between willing and experiencing.

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You Are What You Think

You Are What You Think

Thoughts are very subtle and yet an extremely powerful form of energy.  It is very difficult to reverse the effects of negative thinking once they have taken physical form.  Thoughts like worry and fear attack the body at the cellular level.  If you think say and act out a negative concept such as ‘I am a loser’ you place tremendous creative energy into motion.  Think thoughts of anger and negativity long enough and your body will translate those thoughts into reality.

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Seeing the successful you

Seeing the successful you

If you do not feel abundant, you may be trying to make it rather than earn it.  Successful people set their own pace and view success as something they have earned.  They believe that their goals are achievable and are not afraid to back themselves with commitment.  No matter what happens they have already decided they are successful.  Trying to make it builds an internal pressure of stress and worry.

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A Career That You Love

A Career That You Love

People who earn a living doing what they love are the people who insist on doing so.  They do not take no for an answer, they never give up.  They dare life to give them a life rather than a living.  Life’s irony is that as soon as your worldly goods and success are of no concern to you, you open the way for them to flow.  When you achieve certain states of being over a long period of time success is very difficult to avoid.  The missing element is to understand the difference between being and doing.

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Renewal of the Soul

Renewal of the Soul

When you go to sleep your soul travels and has experiences in other dimensions.  Earth is like a hotel except you check out when you sleep and check back in when you wake up.  The reason the soul travels to other dimensions is because it needs renewal.  Everything you do on the planet is aimed towards your spiritual unfoldment.  The more you understand that you are your feelings, the more you will realise that true freedom is about experiencing just being yourself.

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Your Life Cycle

Your Life Cycle

They say that every 7 years we completely renew the cells of our body.  You are not the same person you were 7 years ago.  You have changed along with the members of your family and the people you know for better or for worse.  Along with the growth of your body, your mind and soul also have a different view of life because of the new experiences your body has encountered.  And your spiritual helpers are forever eager to pass on their wisdom to you with their flashes of inner knowing.

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States of Awareness

States of Awareness

Think of five of your best friends and draw up a list of what you consider are their strengths and faults. Chances are that the area they fit most is where you are at this moment.  When you recognise something in someone that you admire or dislike then you have that in you too.  If there is something negative you recognise but that does not bother you then maybe you had that once but have outgrown it.

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The Rules of Society

The Rules of Society

Have you ever wondered who you are, where you come from and where you are going?  Stress will often creep into your life when you lose focus of what your life is about. The rules of society are there to guide you and to respect other people’s boundaries.  If you feel guilty for breaking the rules then just don’t break them again.  If you feel you did nothing wrong then just don’t get caught.

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A Balanced Life

A Balanced Life

Think for a moment of life as one big learning lesson.  Like any learning lesson you tend to like it when you understand the rules. If there is anything you dislike it is when you have not taken the time out to find out what is going on in your environment.  If you accept and understand yourself as an individual you will be the same towards others. The only thing that will keep you from putting it all together is your own lack of sincerity.  We get out of life exactly what we put into it.

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Your Thoughts About Money

Your Thoughts About Money

If you want more money you will produce nothing more than the wanting of it.  The very act of wanting something will push it away from you.  Instead of thinking I want something have a thought that you already have it.  But affirmations only work when you believe that your statement is something you know to be true, not a statement of I want it to be true. A thought word or action continuously expressed becomes just that.  Over time it will be expressed as your physical reality.  

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The Only Game in Town

The Only Game in Town

This life of yours is the only game in town.  The question is whether you want to live your life consciously or unconsciously.  You embarked on this journey before you were born.  Your birth was an indication that your journey had begun.  For most of us we tend to live our life reacting to the effect of our experience.  Invite yourself to be proactive and be the cause of your experience.  Consciously be aware of what is happening around you.

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How to Love Your Drama

How to Love Your Drama

Everyone can love everything they do the moment they understand what they are doing and why.  The actions of your body are reflections of your state of being.  As a soul you are here on earth to experience your life as you choose it to be. There may have been many times when you have said ‘I don’t know’ and yet you still have to make a decision.  What if you made the wrong choice?  Sometimes your actions are without reward or approval or even without anyone noticing your achievements.

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What You Resist Will Persist

What You Resist Will Persist

How you look at something will create how you see it.  Your perspective creates your perception.  When you resist a thing like your emotions you grant them life and make them real.  The more you resist your drama the more you plant it firmly in place.  For what you resist will persist.  If you sincerely look at your grief, you will see it for what it is and it will slowly disappear.  How you are being at any given moment will produce your experience.

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Your Soul Purpose

Your Soul Purpose

The sole purpose of your soul is to evolve.  The soul does not care what you do and neither will you when you pass over to the other side.  The soul sees the whole life and death process differently.  When the time has come for the soul to make the decision to leave, nothing the body can do nor the mind can think that can change the outcome.  The dense part of your physical body dies and disintegrates and like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, you change form.  All your life you think you are your body and you think you are your mind.  It is at the time of your death that you really find out who is in control.

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Tools for Long Term Relationships

Tools for Long Term Relationships

There are many reasons why we form relationships.  Many people do not think consciously about the why, except there must be some internal need or desire otherwise the union would not be possible.  You may enjoy going through relationships like water, or to fill a gap in loneliness or maybe just to relieve boredom.  You may even stay in a relationship because you think you have to and live in quiet desperation.  Truth is relentless.  If you want the tools for a long term relationship, you need to place some thought as to why you entered into it.

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Getting Back on Track

Getting Back on Track

If you want your life to take off you need to imagine your life the way you want it to be.  Ask yourself what it would feel like to be living your highest vision?  Look at the differences between where you are now and where you want to be.  You need to apply some mental and physical effort to monitor your every thought, word and action.  And to look at the things you have been doing unconsciously to sabotage your life.

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Karmic Lessons

Karmic Lessons

There is no karmic debt that must be repaid. As a soul you are not obligated to do anything. However, you did make a decision before you were born as to certain things you would like to experience this life. The desire to create these experiences hinge on previous choices you made in past lives. Karma is more of an innate desire to achieve greater things based on the past. What you are now experiencing is a measure of that past.

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Love is often regarded as the highest medium of communication.  When the time has come to pass over to the other world of spirit, loved ones already deceased will show their presence to you.  Your loved ones passed will find a way to comfort and reassure you that they will be there to greet you if you want them to.  All the wisdom you have collected this life and those souls you wish to greet you at the door of Heaven is at your command.  At the moment of death you will know that you are not the body, nor the mind.  It is your soul that has control of your life agenda, of who you are and what it is you wish to create and experience whilst you have a physical body.

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Personality Types

Personality Types

There are four personality types that we use to navigate life and to communicate with our spiritual guides.  We all have these spiritual tools but will use one as our main means of communication.  The Inner Knowing type is an outstanding manager, requiring a sense of control and has a prophetic nature.  The Intuitive type is strong in leadership and needs to be excited with challenges.  The Visionary type often sees details missed by others and display strong empathetic tendencies.  The Feeler type enjoys creating with their hands being very patient and will go at their own pace. 

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