Last Psychic Fair

Last Psychic Fair

This is the last Fair for Psychic Awareness in Perth. I am relocating to New Zealand in October. Final opportunity to tap into your energy frequency for an Aura Photo including Personality and Chakra Report. See into your soul, your purpose and find out how your energy wave is flowing. Your thoughts are electric and your feelings are magnetic.  Get a picture of your electromagnetic wave of energy.

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What do you wish for?

What do you wish for?

For the lucky ones, they know and feel blessed to have discovered their passion in life and having the ability to live it. For many of us it is a constant frustration identifying who they are, what is their life purpose, what are they here to achieve and what do you wish for. Like a moving goal post, it’s a constant struggle with lots of drama, trying to look for evidence in their life that what they are doing is the correct path.

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Our Energy Centres - Part 1

Our Energy Centres - Part 1

Throughout our body we have energy centres often referred to as chakras.  These centres have their own level of consciousness, intelligence, light emission, and energy frequencies that carry a certain message for us.  They are surrounded by individual glands, hormones and chemistry that control an individual plexus of neurons.  You could say each chakra has a mind of their own, with their own colour frequency and wavelength.  With conscious intent we can raise our energy to nurture our body, heartmind and spirit.

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Balancing Body HeartMind and Spirit

Balancing Body HeartMind and Spirit

All thoughts carry a frequency and that frequency has an electrical charge that you feel as sensations in the body. Once you give those feelings you are sensing in your body, a name, then it is called an emotion. If you hold onto those emotions long enough, your body recalibrates itself to those feelings so that your body feels that what you are feeling is normal. That’s great when those emotions you feel are peaceful, but something called stress over the long term produces lots of cortisone and cortisone over the long term starts to break down your immune system.

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Mindfulness QiGong TaiChi

Mindfulness QiGong TaiChi

Learn how to still your thoughts and connect to your innate higher intelligence in the present moment. Open up your energy gates and channels to firm up your essence and harmonise your Yin and Yang. Convert your vitality and life force to nourish your spirit, replenish your will and strengthen your mind to be who you want to be or just reinvent yourself. By connecting to different aspect of yourself, you will strengthen your consciousness and unconsciousness, increase your ability to dismiss unwanted thoughts and feelings and calm your being, to be in oneness.

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Challenges and Solutions

Challenges and Solutions

If you want a positive solution to your challenge, you need to be flexible and realistic. Reflect on what you want as a resolution, what you need to give up and negotiate a compromise. View your current situation as an experience, an opportunity to gain some understanding about yourself, your beliefs, your strengths, and your weaknesses. How do you honestly feel, think, and wish to behave with the people in your challenge and what is the ideal image of yourself.

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Taking Control

Taking Control

In a time of uncertainty, transition or upheaval, we do not have much control over our external world, but we do have control over our internal world. When you view your inner landscape, you need to repeatedly self-regulate your thoughts and feelings. Engage in the practice of following your heart with love and compassion in the face of loss and setbacks. Repeat this constant state of awareness enough times and it will become part of your normal routine, an unconscious program built into your normal habit pattern.

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Sometimes we can get so lost in our thoughts that we reach a familiar destination without being aware of how we got there. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our own internal world that we over think a situation. According to Dr Michael Mosley in his book on Clever Guts Diet, over doing or over thinking anything can have its negative consequences. Constant mental meanderings can lead to a spiral of indecisiveness, self-loathing, depression and insomnia.

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Journey with your Soul

Journey with your Soul

Begin by sliding into a comfortable position to rest your body but your mind stays awake. Close your eyes, feel yourself relax and see nothing in front of your 3rd eye chakra but darkness. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. Move out of your mind any thoughts on worry, impatience or expectation and focus your awareness in the present moment. Being present with your soul is in that place of nothingness where familiar past memories and emotions have fallen away.

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Being Centred

Being Centred

We have all felt at one time or another, as being centred, balanced and at peace with ourselves and our surroundings. These feelings lead us to embrace emotions like love, trust and forgiveness as we cannot help but feel whole, fulfilled and complete. These emotions we feel come from the heart chakra which intersects between our lower three chakras relating to the selfish emotions of a physical nature and our upper three chakras associated with the selfless emotions of our higher self.

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Inner Awareness

Inner Awareness

When our awareness is focused on our outer environment, our brainwaves are active with thoughts, emotions and feeling memories of our past, present and things of the future. Occasionally we need something outside of us to change our focus from outer to inner awareness, so we consume things like drugs, movies, sports and other social activities. You could say that occasionally we need to look for external activities to help us switch off our minds from our current state of being.

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Feeling Stuck

Feeling Stuck

Are you feeling stuck, bored, or you think your growth has plateaued? You are becoming aware that how you behaved in the past no longer fits you. You are restless and you want to change but you are unsure on how to go about it. To transform yourself from an old personality to a new self, requires you to become consciously aware of your unconscious thoughts, automatic behaviours, routines and emotional reactions that you have been conditioned to.

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Where we place our attention is where our energy goes and the stronger the emotion is towards something or someone, the more we give them our time. Different types of relationships are based on how we have experienced that moment, for example memories of resentment will project an aura of anger. Likewise, if your thoughts are of gratitude, your aura will shine an energy of love.

Feelings allow you to energetically bond with someone in your life and we do so because there is a vibrational match. This emotional connection to someone allows you to share common likes and dislikes and hence similar experiences. This heart felt energy carries a certain frequency which forms the foundation of your thoughts and beliefs and predicts how you see life and foretells how you will behave in the future.

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Journey to Abundance

Journey to Abundance

If you want to bring health, wealth or happiness into your life, generating them is nothing more than a formula. You need to think it, feel it, dream it … morning, noon and night … so that those thoughts become part of your DNA. This pattern becomes your personal frequency which carries information about your internal state of being. Time is also needed for the frequency to gain momentum and to generate that vibration within your chakras.

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Free Will

Free Will

When it comes down to it there are two ways we can approach life, either as a victim or as a creator. When we become conscious of our choices, we naturally begin to gravitate towards making more loving choices rather than being limited by our abilities. We know we have free will to choose how we feel but we tend to react to people, circumstances and situations as to how we think at that moment.

Of course making a choice of being a creator is easier said than done which is why we call it a practice. Through repetition you are able to self-regulate your feelings so that you can change your emotional state at will. As you become more aware of your choices you will naturally gravitate towards making more selfless decisions, rather than reacting in a selfish manner.

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Getting Over It

Getting Over It

Feelings of not being in control of your situation can trigger thoughts of hopelessness. It is easy to blame yourself or others and create countless reasons why it did not work out. From a spiritual point of view when we apportion blame, we unconsciously allow something outside of us to control how we think and how we feel. When it comes down to loss we all have been betrayed, experienced fear, had doubts and felt dark moments of the soul. At some point it comes down to choice and you have to make up your mind regarding trauma if you want to get over it.

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Love and Joy

Love and Joy

Every day we are exposed to uncertainty that can take us on an emotional roller coaster. How we cope with that experience defines our character that ultimately maps out our future. When you shut yourself off from being vulnerable, inquisitive and speaking your truth, you distance yourself from what brings you purpose. Daring to be who you are is not about winning or losing, it’s about defining your path to find out what brings you love and joy.

Finding what you are required to do to achieve freedom is a far greater risk than getting criticised or being complacent. Nothing is as uncomfortable or hurtful as standing on the outside of your life, looking in, and wondering many years later … if only I had stepped into that arena. What was that thing you always wanted to do or say, was it a new relationship, an important meeting, a creative process, or a difficult family conversation?

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At times we will all reach a crossroad in our relationship with another when we will experience an incident that will force us to reevaluate the importance of that connection. That relationship may force you to look at the very foundation upon which you thought you were building your life and then to feel it all crumble beneath your feet. You thought you were living your dream and then you wonder if it’s the wrong dream and should you keep trying to make it work.

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