Balancing Body HeartMind and Spirit


Balancing Body HeartMind and Spirit


90 minute session (by appointment)

Included in the session is a Personality Chakra Report of your energy frequency

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All thoughts carry a frequency and that frequency has an electrical charge that you feel as sensations in the body. If you hold onto those emotions long enough, your body recalibrates itself to those feelings so that your body feels that what you are feeling is normal. That’s great when those emotions you feel are peaceful, but over the long term too much stress unchecked starts to break down your immune system.

The aim of Balancing Body, HeartMind and Spirit is to connect to different aspects of yourself by connecting to your frequency and using your life force and the vitality of your energy to nourish your being. This is an alternative way in seeing out personal growth, enlightenment and a harmonious balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of your life.

It is deceivingly simple, yet the subtle internal fluid movements I can show you and meditation techniques can create a soothing sensational flow throughout the body to help you embark on a transformation journey.

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