Last Psychic Fair

This is the last Fair for Psychic Awareness in Perth. I am relocating to New Zealand in October. Final opportunity to tap into your energy frequency for an Aura Photo including Personality and Chakra Report. See into your soul, your purpose and find out how your energy wave is flowing. Your thoughts are electric and your feelings are magnetic.  Get a picture of your electromagnetic wave of energy.   

Be amazed by your aura photo. It’s like seeing a mirror of your inner feelings, sensitiveness and emotions. Take a look at what your soul is trying to communicate to you through your body. Dial into your wave of energy and see a vision of your aura translated into colours. Find out how people perceive you, who you are and where your thoughts and feelings are taking you.    

Learn more about who you wish to be from your Personality and Chakra Report. Tune into your energy wave and get a printout of the graphs that indicate the health level of your hormonal centres. This Report highlights the energy levels of your mental, physical, emotional, and intuitive channels that you may want to take action on. Tap into your essence to find out how you think, how you feel and how you act that determines your future direction.

Your essence determines your reality, your personality and what motivates you and your desires.  Get a picture of your rainbow of colours and discover your purpose and how your frequency determines your success. What are your values, your passion, your career that gives your life meaning and assist you to reach your full potential of who you wish to be.