

Sometimes we can get so lost in our thoughts that we reach a familiar destination without being aware of how we got there. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our own internal world that we over think a situation. According to Dr Michael Mosley in his book on Clever Guts Diet, over doing or over thinking anything can have its negative consequences. Constant mental meanderings can lead to a spiral of indecisiveness, self-loathing, depression and insomnia.

At the start of an experiment on mindfulness meditation, Dr Mosely found that the electrical activity in his brain was right sided which can lead to a pessimistic outlook in life. But, he said ‘once I got over the excuses of being too busy, too tired, too hungry and too stressed,’ he found mindfulness relatively easy to do. At the end of the experiment, he felt calmer, his insomnia reduced and the electrical impulses in his brain were more evenly balanced. Awareness has been found to reduce negative thoughts, pessimism, neuroticism, worry and anxiety.

According to Dr Joe Dispenza in his book on Becoming Supernatural, his experiments on meditation showed that people gained a greater control of their thoughts and feelings. When we alternate awareness from an outward focus into empty space, then an inward focus on different parts of our body, the electrical activity in the mind slows down. When we can slow down the internal thinking, we can shift in awareness more easily into a sensing and feeling mode and influence our chakra centres.

Our chakras have their own hormonal expression and activate organs in each area of their responsibility. For example, when we are hungry, we think about what to eat and salivate as our thoughts automatically turn on our digestive juices. The seven chakras in our body have their own plexus of neurons and their own mini brain. The first three energy centres relate to our physical survival in regards to personal security, creativity and empowerment.

The Crown Chakra creates harmony with all things in a downward cascade of information to all the other chakras. The eighth centre is an energy portal located above our head in our aura field and represents our connection to the nothingness of space. At this portal, creative downloads of frequencies come in from the universe to help us become more aware on how we can balance our energy.

What happens with life, is that living our life gets in the way and we react to events that cause our energy to become stuck in survival mode and in our first three chakras. When our energy is under stress, it draws on the electromagnetic field surrounding our body and our aura begins to shrink. Being in awareness, we can connect to the consciousness in our aura and ask that awareness to replenish our energy to gain a greater control of our thoughts, emotions and feelings.