Being stuck in life

Being stuck in life

For those of you feeling stuck in your life, maybe it’s time to shake things up. Feeling the emotions of frustration, self-judgement and so on will keep you feeling just that. Why? Because experiencing not having what you want, creates more of those thoughts. Chances are you are doing many things in the same predictable and autopilot way. So what’s your plan?

Say hello to that voice inside your head and acknowledge that part of you and the many parts of you and give them thanks. Give thanks to your greatest teachers, for all those experiences, for all those conversations with you. Acknowledge their participation in your life that has made you who you are today. Now start changing part of your routine like taking a new route to work. This will force you to be more aware of what you are consciously doing. The focus of becoming more mindful will create ripples into other aspects of your life.

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The Power of Meditation

The Power of Meditation

We all know that eating healthy, exercising and taking care of our physical wellbeing is certainly a great way to stay vibrant.  Perhaps you could also consider a possibility that when your body is out of balance this disturbance also exists as a pattern in your energy field.  So, rather than just concentrating on your dis-ease and do things to make it go away, also consider taking that thought further and focus on changing your energy field, to change the matter in your body.

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Nurturing Body Mind and Spirit

Nurturing Body Mind and Spirit

Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. Throughout your body you have energy centres often referred to as chakras. These centres have their own level of consciousness, intelligence, light emission and energy frequencies that carry a certain message for you. They are surrounded by individual glands, hormones and chemistry that control individual plexus of neurons. You could say each chakra has a mind of their own, with their own colour, identified by their own frequency and wavelength. With conscious intent you can raise the level of energy in each centre to nurture your body, mind and spirit.

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Desirable Outcomes

Desirable Outcomes

When you are hoping for a desirable outcome, it is asking for something and that’s the problem. If you are asking, you are in lack of because you are wanting and the wanting means you don’t have it. When you wish for something you need to give your body time to build new neural pathways and new habits, whilst projecting thoughts like wholeness and appreciation. If you are thinking of frustration and you feel that stress constantly surrounds you, then that is what you are attracting. So, you need to move out of that environment, step into the unknown and change your thoughts of anxiety to thoughts like gratitude. If you don’t, nothing ever really changes.

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Wishes, Hopes and Dreams

Wishes, Hopes and Dreams

Is it time to start the New Year by moving in a different direction? Whatever your wishes are for 2019, it all begins with a thought. That thought translates into a stream of images as you feel the emotions of the experience. Your brain and your body start to live in the images as your automatic nervous system creates scenes and feelings in your imagination of what it will feel like if your hopes and dreams come to fruition.

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Changing Memories

Changing Memories

Often how we feel tends to influence how we make others feel.  So if you want to be around the people you care about more, you need to feel good about yourself more.  Think of your past experiences that when you feel horrible about something you are recalling an awful event.  This memory is triggering an internal reaction to an emotional trauma.  You can change the way you represent that experience in your mind by changing how you feel about it.

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Creating your future

Creating your future

All creation begins with a thought. Thoughts are the language of the mind.   When we keep thinking that we do not have something we want, we churn that thought in our mind and become anxious from not having what we desire.  These emotions we are now experiencing will become habit forming if we do not deal with them.  Feelings are the language of the body.  If we keep ignoring what our body is telling us then our emotions will explode into a traumatic incident.

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Love, Loved and Loving

Love, Loved and Loving

Falling in love, spending time, sharing experiences, feeling connected and aware of the moment you are sharing with someone you care about. You listen, you are patient, you are present, you give your heart, your time, your gifts and in return you hope that you will receive the same. In a healthy relationship, you feel worthy of the other and each person matches the efforts of the other, not because you have to but because you want to. Because of that union of wholeness and completeness, two people become one and bring profound truths and experiences which surface and become greater than the self.

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Feelings In Motion

Feelings In Motion

We have all felt another person’s energy and intent when they were angry, frustrated or emitting a signal of calm loving energy.  Different emotions produce different frequencies that can be sensed and felt by all of us.  Thinking the same thoughts and feeling the same emotions each day, will re-create that same day tomorrow.  To change how you think and how you feel, you need to think greater than what you are currently feeling and go higher and above those present memories.

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Changing Your Behaviour

Changing Your Behaviour

We learn by repetition.  Do something enough times along your neural pathways and your behaviour will be set into your DNA structure.  When you sleep and dream you unconsciously rehearse a pattern of new learning.  That is why quality information is important to your learning process.  If the brain isn’t given anything specific to work with it just processes nonsense.  

The brain is designed to recognize patterns of energy and the pattern needs to be presented rapidly enough for your brain to perceive it for what it is.  Try it when you settle down to sleep and ask your internal clock to wake you just before your alarm goes.  However, your unconscious mind, as powerful as it is, needs direction.  Visualise freedom as being able to use your conscious mind to direct your unconscious activity.

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Creating Who I Am

Creating Who I Am

When you are born you are endowed with a facet of divinity.  That means each one of you has a part of God that gives you knowledge of your immortality.  You have free will to be creative, make decisions and ultimately mould your destiny to create who you are.  

You know that your physical body is only a temporary vehicle for a certain number of months or years until you make that transition called death back to pure energy.  Each night when you dream whether you remember it or not, your soul ventures out of your body to be refreshed in the depths of the universe.  When you sleep it is your energy source that needs rejuvenating, not your body.  

To know who you are, you need to challenge yourself, confront your fears and ask ‘what do I need to do to trust my instincts and take action on how I feel’.  If you are patient you can get in touch with your silence for insights.  You do not have to climb a mountain, search for a guru or take a meditation course.  They may help you find the answers within but ultimately you need to trust yourself and your decisions. 

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Following Your Heart

Following Your Heart

Remembering that one day you are going to die, is one way to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose if you do not follow your heart.  This will help you make the big choices in life because almost everything, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure, will just fall away in the face of death.  Growing old and passing away is a destination we all share.  

Death is life’s change agent that clears out the old to make way for the new and right now the new is you.  So, would it not be in your best interest, to lead the most healthiest, the most rewarding, the most meaningful life possible.  Hold hands with loved ones and friends, listen to their woes, assist with their ailments if you can, help them overcome their fear of illness, their challenges and the reality of dying.

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Building Choices

Building Choices

Many of us know what we should be doing and don’t do it.  We know we shouldn’t eat that chocolate cake but we do it and then we exercise harder the next day to compensate for it.  Having a choice means that you are capable of feeling more than one thing.  Choice is when you can think on purpose, not when you’re a victim of your thoughts and your thoughts are a bunch of involuntary stimulus responses.

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Setting Good Directions

Setting Good Directions

The feeling of being successful is knowing where you want to go and being prepared to put in whatever work necessary, to get to where you want to be.  You realise that you need to practice and practice and practice your skill.  When you make a mistake or fall short of your goal, you don’t complain, you simply shrug it off and do it again until you get it right.  

You know what your idea of perfection looks like.  You can see it being done perfectly and you place yourself inside your picture carrying out the action.  When you don’t get it right, you don’t feel bad, you simply don’t feel anything.  You are determined to build an addiction to trying, to get hooked on a good feeling.  Even if you only get it right one out of ten times, that good feeling when it arrives makes it worthwhile.  By contrast, some of us just feel bad whenever what we decide should happen, does not work out that way.

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Enduring Change

Enduring Change

At some level or other, we all move from one trance to another. We accumulate so much knowledge from walking to talking that our brain quickly learns how to automate behaviour.  We tend to learn by repetition with sleeping and dreaming being important pathways in the learning process.  Quality information is important otherwise the brain will just process nonsense if it hasn’t anything specific to work with.

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The Seed of Purpose

The Seed of Purpose

Very few people achieve any degree of financial success regardless of their level of income during their most productive years.  Most people live their lives under the delusion that they are immortal.  They squander their money, their time, and their minds with activities that are tension-relieving rather than goal-achieving. Most of us work to get through the week with the hope that we have enough extra money to spend on the weekend.

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Taking Control

Taking Control

We tend to trap ourselves by the way we run our mind.  Through our five senses, we take in the information from our environment and interpret that through images, internal dialogue, sensations, tastes and smells.  The way we represent our world internally, determines the way we feel, what we do and reflects our automatic habitual way of thinking.  Taking control of our life, creating our dreams and desires, stems from the way we think.  It is the fertiliser we place on our seeds toward success.  How we feel, reflects our mental state of being at any given moment.

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Our Learning Process

Our Learning Process

As human beings we tend to learn automatically because we are born with the wiring already in place.  We develop the means to communicate with other people of our kind not only with language but also with behaviour.  Some of the behaviours we turn into bad habits and some we turn into good habits. Our behaviours, our habits run automatically when they are memorised and programmed into our DNA and our mind for eternity.

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Do You Thrive or Just Survive?

Do You Thrive or Just Survive?

Are you one of those people who thrive, or are you one of those who just survive.  I doubt if there is anyone who has said that they love problems and yet many have admitted that their greatest gain came from the middle of their pain.  Each time we encounter a painful experience, we get to know ourselves and our friends a little better.  Pain prompts us to face who we are and forces us to acknowledge where we are at present.  What we do with that experience defines who we become as a person.  We know life is filled with ups and downs and yet we all want ups and ups of which we also know is not possible.

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